Tools to equip you for life and leadership

What do you need?


EFL Blog

A treasure of encouraging, inspiring, entertaining posts to brighten your day and build you up as a follower of Christ, a leader or just as someone who needs to relax and enjoy an occasional diversion…this blog will provide music videos, my own gallery of photographs, and even articles that address issues you may be facing.


Sermon Catalog

As a pastor for over 40 years, I have thousands of my sermons stored in searchable archives. Rather than have them gathering dust (or whatever digital files gather!), I want to make them available as a resource for your own spiritual growth as well as to prime the pump to stir up ideas for your own preaching.


Video Resources

From a wide range of sermon videos…leadership seminars…seminary level classroom instruction… topical interviews with Christian leaders…small group Bible study materials…discipleship courses, and more…Equipped for Life can offer digital, online video resources tailor-made for leaders like you.



Books by David Horner

Available at Amazon.

Available at Amazon.

7 Challenges Pastors Face

Pastors all face the same kinds of issues regardless of the size, complexity, ethnicity or nationality of their congregations. By selecting seven categories of common concern, this book offers insights into the causes of those challenges and a biblical approach to resolving them in a Christ-like manner. Pastors conferences, seminars, college and seminary classes here and abroad embraced and affirmed the applicability of this book.

Available by clicking here.

Available by clicking here.

The Case for Elders

With many churches revisiting the issue of church governance, a common question continues to arise: how is a church supposed to address the presence in the Bible of different names for church offices? This brief booklet offers a series of answers to frequently asked questions in churches deliberating over this important aspect of congregational leadership. Although this booklet does not pretend to offer an exhaustive study of the matter, it does seek to establish a context for discussion of the biblical, historical and practical issues regarding elders as church leaders.


Available at Amazon.

Available at Amazon.

Firmly Rooted, Faithfully Growing

For over thirty years, the content of this book has provided biblical insight into principle-based ministry in the local church. Believers in churches across America and over a dozen nations overseas have benefitted from this examination of what the Bible says about the nature and purpose of the body of Christ. It is currently also available in Arabic and Ukrainian. (The Amazon version has a different cover but the content is exactly the same. If they are out, please contact us so you can purchase a copy directly from us.)

Available by clicking here.

Available by clicking here.


Dad’s Words of Wisdom

As the father of three sons, David recognized a need to invest wisely in order to help them become godly men. Taking a cue from the book of Proverbs, this practical tool provides one year of weekly topics for a father to read and discuss with his sons. The 52 subjects cover a wide range of subjects from the development of spiritually enriching habits to the pragmatic concerns of building friendships, handling finances, making good moral decisions, priorities and many other ideas a father wants to plant in the lives of his sons. The book is designed to be used one-on-one once a week for one year (usually around the time your son enters middle school).


Available at Amazon.

Available at Amazon.

When Missions Shapes the Mission

Churches and their leaders too easily take their eye off the ball in how they organize and prioritize for ministry. Missions often gets what is left over once the main agendas have been addressed. This book explores why that happens and offers an alternative that commends the biblical mandate to make disciples of all nations. Read this to learn why and how the Great Commission should still shape the character of churches as an integral part of their ministry calling.