Our Approach to Equipping
Conferences and Seminars
Whether at a missions conference in Edinburgh, or a leadership/vision conference in Kiev, or a business seminar in Cluj, Romania, or a pastors’ conference in the remote mountains of Peru, at Equipped for Life we love to help leaders walk in the truth of God’s Word. Here in the USA, we have been honored to lead conferences and seminars on a wide range of topics. Perhaps we might be able to address your group as well. Want to explore that possibility? Then learn more by clicking here.
Coaching, Mentoring and Consulting
Sometimes the large group setting does not get at the exact concerns you are facing. If you have found that to be true for you, perhaps one-on-one coaching or mentoring might suit you better. Maybe small-group consultation would meet your needs best. What we want to do is find out what you are trying to do and then help you do it!
Many pastors and leaders have found it helpful to schedule times periodically to get hands-on interaction. If you are a pastor, you too might want to consider including such a session in the leadership development portion of your annual budget. It could be an hour or so a couple of times a year, a staff retreat, coaching in a specific area of interest, or any other way you want to excel still more in your leadership growth!
David and Cathy both find profound satisfaction in teaching God’s Word, whether in a classroom in a college or seminary, or in a retreat, seminar or conference setting. Every year finds them investing in building up the body of Christ in some context…locally or internationally…in a church or some other kind of gathering…in a formal class or an informal small group. They have shared the teaching in marriage and family conferences, pastors and wives conferences, men’s and women’s conferences, prayer and Bible conferences, missions conferences, racial reconciliation seminars and many more.
Although preaching is not an official part of the Equipped for Life program, David Horner preaches in a variety of churches about half the Sundays in any given year. From the small church plant to the large mega-church, he has the opportunity to heed Paul’s exhortation to Timothy: “preach the word” (2 Timothy 4:2). If you think you might like to have David preach in your church, contact us about the possibility of making that happen!