Feeling helpless never means being hopeless! Offer hope in Christ and give freely and gladly!
Flight from Danger.
The invasion from Russia has continued now for a year. Ukrainians once went about life as usual. With the invasion of their land by Russian troops, now over 3.5 million have fled their country to escape the devastation and death of war. By train, bus, cars and even walking, families like yours and mine flee for their lives! We have many friends in Ukraine, some of whom are now in exile in Poland. How can we help them help the displaced and the others who remain behind?
Food and Rest for the Weary.
Makeshift shelters provide a place for refugees to spend a night or more, be fed, clothed and helped to make it to the safety of the surrounding nations. Nowhere in Ukraine is safe, so we pray for and help resupply way-stations like the Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary in Lviv where EFL has partners risking everything to help. So far, over 4,500 refugees have passed through their doors and over 2,500 have been transported over to the Polish border!
Find Places for the Displaced.
Imagine you are a young mom, placed on a train with your three children and sent to another country so that you can survive the atrocities of war while your husband stays to fight. Every day, thousands of Ukrainians cross the border into Poland, Romania, Hungary and elsewhere with no idea of where to go, what to do, how to find shelter and food. We have a network of friends in Poland who stand with open arms to welcome and reassure the exiles that they are loved and will be cared for — immediately and for the long-term!
This clip is taken from the first few months of the war but still worth hearing. Take a couple of minutes and watch Alex Savich from Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary tell some of the story of God at work among the people of Ukraine. Alex was my translator when I spoke at a camp in Ukraine a few years ago…amazing and gifted man of God!
Partnerships in Ukraine and Poland
Over the years, Equipped for Life has been blessed with many international partnerships. Two very special ones now converge. For over thirty years, we have served alongside ministry leaders and friends in Poland. For over nine years, the same has been true of ministry leaders and friends in Ukraine, people we met through our mutual friends in Poland. We are now able to support their coordinated efforts as men and women in both places have stepped up to offer aid and comfort to thousands impacted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Money donated through EFL for Ukrainian Relief will be directed toward the following four initiatives.
Lutsk Bible Church
A church family divided by war…members in exile and members in the city of Lutsk will receive help from donations made through EFL as the body of Christ shows His love in action to those in need.
Ukraine/Poland Partnership
Through a joint effort between a team of Ukrainian and Polish leaders, a strategy has been developed to give particular assistance to refugees arriving in Poland, especially women with children and the elderly who will need housing, household goods, clothing, financial aid and many other necessities, possibly for up to 12 months.
Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary
A training center for ministry becomes a way-station for exiles, fleeing the hostilities of the war on their way out of the country — feeding, clothing, providing short-term haven and transportation to Polish border.