Missions Support
From the neighborhoods to the nations…
Make a gospel impact for Christ.
You can partner with ministries in a network of communities around Raleigh, North Carolina through local missions giving. Through your own church as well as many local ministries, we can help you extend your outreach in this area.
Planting churches across North America continues to gain momentum as a wave of leaders take on the challenge of establishing Christ-centered, biblically-based churches all across the continent. You can partner with them through domestic missions giving.
Supporting the work of the gospel around the world stirs the passions of the followers of Jesus Christ. Your partnership with those engaged in a wide range of international ministries can make an extraordinary difference!
We can help you develop a proportional way to fulfill your outreach to “Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and the uttermost parts of the world!” (Acts 1:8)
Equipped for Life can introduce you to strong ministry partners, strengthening their outreach and
satisfying your longing to make a difference as you leverage your giving!
Many followers of Christ…and yes, many churches…have lost their passion for gospel-driven ministry,
from the neighborhoods to the nations. Jesus had that passion and commissioned His followers to make His mission their priority.
The following video explains briefly why and how you and your church can recapture a missions priority!
Make a specific commitment.
Partnerships in missions always begin with prayer. Equipped for Life partners include international church leaders and trainers from all over the world. Few of them have a big name that you would recognize. All of them have kingdom impact for Christ! We can introduce you to them so that you can pray intelligently for the Lord to continue to expand their influence in their portions of the world.
If you want help learning how to pray for the nations, the Operation World website offers a great starting point.
All of us need a giving plan to support missions. Most churches have a systematic planned giving approach to support missions. The missions budgets of churches provide a significant amount of funding to support missionaries. Equipped for Life does some of that but the vast majority of our giving goes to support indigenous leaders. In some ways, we act as a “missions broker” trying to match generous givers with effective laborers. We can help you leverage your giving as a step above and beyond your support for your local church family. Here are some of our giving options.
Every year we make our way overseas to some strategic location to try to add value to the work of our international partners. If you have never done so, we encourage you to explore that possibility! Your life will never be the same! Opportunities abound right in your own community but if you need help deciding where to go and what you can contribute, we would be delighted to serve as a liaison for you! Go to our contact page and check the mission trips box if you want to find out more.